Telephone directory Phone number review

"Phone number review" - the project was created to receive negative or positive information about phone number owners, comments and feedback about companies and quality of their service, information exchange, regarding fraud or SPAM. Visitors of the site can get acquainted with the data of our US telephone directory. However, that information is not 100% completely reliable. In any event, it will help to avoid problems with scammers and criminals. If you have useful information about any phone number, or its owner - leave a comment here. Everyday updating of the telephone directory data enables many people to get over the deception, negative consequences of fraudulent actions, and also get information about dishonest owners of specific phone numbers. Whatever information provided by you may helped many people. Website co-workers also searches for information about every request that you have left. The Administration is grateful to you for providing this materials.

Last comments


7243641496 or +17243641496

Yuliya F commented 2024-05-15
Apparently a car warranty spam call. In my case, call went to voicemail but no message was left. Caller ID just said "BROWNSVILLE PA" (yes with the space in the middle, pushing the text to the edges of the screen -- often a red flag that it's spam...).


5709649708 or +15709649708

Penny Wise commented 2024-05-15
Another call from this area code/exchange. ALL came up as "SAYRE PA" (yes, with a big gap in the middle, pushing the text to the edges of the caller ID screen. Think this make six -- only the last four digits different each time. Guessing spam.


2676378477 or +12676378477

Chloe Judge Wilson commented 2024-05-14
Didn't recognize # but have gotten other calls from this same area code that were all spam. And lost track of how many came up as "Name Unavailable". So picked up and hung up on general principle!


2237581216 or +12237581216

Desdemona Renfield commented 2024-05-14
Caller ID said "Name Unavailable" and I didn't recognize #. Another site like this one had it flagged as being an "invalid" number!


2153831548 or +12153831548

Yuliya F commented 2024-05-13
Well, here's a new one: caller ID came up like this: "NOT IN SERVICE" (!). Clearly spam!


4807447803 or +14807447803

Salvatore commented 2019-05-01
My phone book says this is Johnathan Carlson


7027313656 or +17027313656

Hans Chesterton commented 2020-03-15
Another site told me that this is GLOBAL EXPO NEVADA 4850 STATZ ST #102 NORTH LAS VEGAS NV


2084073947 or +12084073947

Edgar commented 2020-05-27
The announcement site told me that it was MATTHEW HARTWELL CALDWELL ID


5096687773 or +15096687773

Lucas commented 2019-12-06
WhatsApp this number is signed as a KYLE KONRAD LAKEWOOD WA!


7654257511 or +17654257511

Stanton commented 2020-05-10
Google answered me that it is TAMMY MANN ANDERSON IN!


5042897709 or +15042897709

Fredrick Gamero commented 2019-06-20
I have this number signed as KIMBERLY BOUNDS MONTZ MS


9156915486 or +19156915486

Rueben WifKinson commented 2020-04-26
I found out on Google that it is DENISE VALDEZ EL PASO TX!


6628207707 or +16628207707

Donte Nathan commented 2019-07-04
On another site, I found out that this is Tracy Brown!


2096050110 or +12096050110

Jerry commented 2020-05-19
We worked together, this is Marina Rivera


4752273363 or +14752273363

Buddy commented 2020-05-05
Whatsapp says its Evette Maysonet New Haven CT!


6515544855 or +16515544855

Abdul commented 2019-11-27
The application on my phone answered me that it is Cindy Bogdanovich Inver Grove MN


9098773945 or +19098773945

Darrick Clifford commented 2020-10-30
Google answered me that it is Alfonso Cisneros Bloomington CA


9108994293 or +19108994293

Mitchell Mackenzie commented 2019-10-19
Google told me that this is Nancy Smith Leland NC!


2483632718 or +12483632718

Arnold commented 2020-12-12
In the telephone directory this number is signed as Charles Dorrell White Lake MI FORD RANGER 2008 1FTYR14D88PA49042!


9378394374 or +19378394374

Garfield Watson commented 2020-12-24
I have this number signed as JAMES BLAIR WEST ALEXANDRIA OH BUICK CENTURY 4DR SEDAN 1989 1G4AL51N8KT402851